Error code 0x06000003.
I have downloaded and installed Creo 2.0 on my computer but i receive and error code 0x06000003. What should i do ?
View ArticleHow can I convert a 3D curve to a 3D sketch? Or alternatively, is it possible...
How can I convert a 3D curve to a 3D sketch? Or alternatively, is it possible to take a Section between 2 3D curves?I have been trying to slice a rotor with attached blades for CFD analyses (using a 3D...
View ArticleAccess to Knowlege Base and other resources.
How do I get access to the knowledge base and other resources? I get a nice list of hits in the search but then get an "Access Denied - Insufficient Privileges" message when I try to access the...
View ArticleMcGhee model, DNA melting, binding, ligands
Is it possible to use Mathcad for fitting of the McGhee model on DNA melting in the presence of ligands to experimental data?Valerij Grinberg
View ArticleStartup of application "MECHANISM" failed.
Hello,i instlled creo 3.0 student edition and when i made model i went to assembly to made animation and when i click on ,,Mechanism,, creo give me:Startup of application "MECHANISM" failed.I really...
View Article1/28/16 Web class and assignment
Last night during the web class, I noticed that it said it was being "recorded" is there a way where I can access the web class again and the homework assignment?
View ArticleError code 0x06000003.
I have downloaded and installed Creo 2.0 on my computer but I receive and error code 0x06000003.
View ArticleCan't run creo parametric 3.0
Every time I go to run Creo Parametric 3.0 these windows pop up and selecting any options shuts the program down immediately. Does any one know how to fix this?
View ArticleHaving problems with opening of files on student/academic version of Creo
Hi! I have the student version of creo 3.0 at home and the academic version at my university. When i tried to transfer an assembly + the 5 parts in it to try at home it wouldn't open and just said,...
View ArticleCreo 2.0 Student Edition Quality Agent
I've installed, uninstalled, and reinstalled Creo 2.0 Student Edition a few times, and I still get an error saying that the program is shutting down because it could not run the Quality Agent, which is...
View ArticleInstalled creo 3.0 and it wont run
I have recently installed creo 3.0 student version on my laptop. when i attempt to open any of the icons they open but remain on a black screen and the programs do not run. I don't receive any error...
View ArticleCreo Compatibility Query
Hi I have recently started using Creo Parametric 2.0 as part of my University Coursework and I have a question about how I can install it on my personal computer to be able to work on my coursework at...
View Articlelicence problem
Dear Mr. or Mrs,I´m a student of the Technical University of Ostrava and I´m working on my dissertation.I made a registration at PTC at 31st of january 2016 and after that I got a confirmation about...
View ArticleLicense Field is Grayed Out when Installing Creo 3.0
Pretty much this. I got a PDF with a license code, but it won't let me enter it. What do I do?
View ArticleHow do I add Pro/Mechanism application in my Creo 3.0 Student edition software??
I have installed Creo 3.0 edition and I need to add Pro-Mechanism application in the software. I don't see this option in the installer window.Please let me know how to do it.Thanks,-Mohit
View ArticleI downloaded student version Creo 3.0 but get error after opening it
I downloaded student version Creo 3.0 but when I open it I get the error "License request failed for feature" and below "Invalid feature name [FEATURE NAME]". Can someone help me with this? I loaded...
View ArticleI have installed Creo 3.0 student version but the program PTC Creo 3.0 is not...
I have installed Creo 3.0 student version but yet the program is not running, Please help me resolve this issue
View ArticleI cant give dimensions on Creo 3.0 student
I installed the software today & cant give dimensions on creo 3.0 students version.please help me, as you can see the line in the picture without the option to give dimension.thanks a lot
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