Creo Parametric 2.0 Rendering Problem
Hello, I have been using Creo Parametric 2.0 Student Edition for a while and it has worked fine until now. Yesterday, after checking a piece I rendered a couple of weeks ago something really weird...
View ArticleMain ribbon customization
Can I add/remove commands within the main ribbon interface? I RMB on the ribbon and select "Customize the ribbon" but the add/remove commands are greyed out. I found that if I pick home, data tabs I...
View Articleproblems downloading Creo
I'm trying to download the educator Creo but after about 15% I get a message that says unrecoverable error and I can't get any further
View ArticleCreo 2.0 Setup doesn't work
I have an academic license and I am trying to install Creo 2.0, downloaded on this page (MED-100WIN-CD-390_M070_Win32-64). Itsn't the first time that I install the program because the license was not...
View ArticleHow to Move Licence Server?
how can i move Creo Academic 2.0 licence server to the new server.
View ArticleAdvanced Framework Extension
Hi, I have Creo Parametric 2.0 running on Windows 8 Computer. I have enabled the option "afx_enabled" but I do not see the Framework Tab after restarting the program. I cannot acces the Advanced...
View ArticleProblem with installing Creo on Student's laptop
Hello, I have one of my students who installed Creo onto his laptop, a HP Pavillion dv6 running windows 7 home premium 64 bit. Program apparently installed without any issue, though now every time he...
View ArticleCreo 2.0 Student Version License Failure
Hello! I am using the Creo 2.0 Student Version and have had to request a new license a few weeks ago. I did so on the website and with the new product code I was able to create a new license file....
View Articleproblem with installation creo 2 student version
Hello, I am a student machine engineering and our proffesor recommended us to register AUDAX and PTC for downloading creo 2 student version for exercise.After several instalations and deinstalations...
View Articleunfold a sheetmetal pipe
Hello, I use afx to create tubes for a frame. Specifically I use sheetmetal pipes to have the outside diameter and thickness I want. After I trim the tubes that intersect with each other (via profile...
View ArticleUnable to download software
I am trying to dowmload the student version creo 2.0 but due to internet breakdown and load shedding it always ends up with a network error. Is there any other ay to downlaod the software? perhaps...
View Articlecreo 2.0 student edition not running after a succesful installation
after a successful creo 2.0 student edition installation when i click on the creo parametric 2.0 the screen shows blank. my system configuration is: intel pentium 3.013gb ram32 bit operating system
View ArticleMerging an assembled model in creo parametric
Hi friends,I am new to this comunity and new to creo 2.0 as well.I am trying out a assembly model and want to export it to ansys14 as igs file.I found somewhere that ansys takes single part model and...
View ArticleCannot install Student Academic Version of Creo2
I believe I downloaded all of the academic version from your website, it was 4.17 GB, although the web site said something like 4.485 GB I thought I had done everything correctly I followed the Creo 2...
View ArticleDownload attempt for Creo 2.0 student version
Download does not work.....results " can not find file" Have tried both types of downloads several times
View ArticleCreo Simulate 2.0 Part loading problem
Hi All, I have a problem here when i open any part for simulation using creo simulate 2.0 stand alone app it opens the part and suddenly blink & disappear without displaying any...
View ArticleProblem with subscript in thermodynamic problem
Good night.I'm using mathcad prime 3.0. I try to solve a problem as stated in my textbook "Introduction to Thermodynamics in Chemical Engineering" Smith & Van Ness but I define the variables that...
View ArticleCreo 2.0 and 3D connexion mouse
I have Creo 2.0 student license and working good. When I have install 3D mouse ( ) Creo not working any more.I need help how to fix this problem.Thank you for help
View ArticlePTC Learning Connector Fails to Load
To whom it may concern, I was able to install and run Creo parametric 2.0 Student edition however when I try to open the PTC learning Connector nothing loads inside the box. I have tried reinstalling...
View ArticleStudent Edition De-registering
I purchased a student edition of Wildfire 4.0 for training local students. The training locally has ended and now I want to remove the software from my computer and send the CDs to a student in another...
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