A student and I are having problems getting connected back to (Not offline) in Creo. We go through Server Management and the server indicates "offline". Do a right mouse click and uncheck the "work offline" option. The "Synchronize Workspaces" menu pops up. Select the current (or any other) workspace and OK. A message pops up.
"Attention - Connection to server is available.
The server to which this workspace belongs is now available.
Please check for conflicts and out of date workspace data.
Checking for server complement of cached workspaces."
Select ok.
Another pop-up comes up:
Attention - Connection to server is unavailable!
The server is currently unavailable. Do you want to switch to offline mode?
This has happened on 2 different computers.
What is going on?
Robert Hahn
Mentor, FTC4605 Beaver Dam Robohackerz