I am trying to load Creo 3 on computer for FTC team. M010 installed but with just the basics - no Diagram, NC stuff, etc. Another member downloaded and has the full suite. A third has the "reduced" capability as I have gotten. The license files are much larger 17K vs. 7K. Creo 2 was previously loaded, since uninstalled.
A couple of uninstall and reinstall had the same ending. Now I get an ERROR message when trying to install M010.
M010 was uninstalled, M020 downloaded and attempted to install. At the license step, I get the rotating blue circle and a "Not Responding" message.
Any idea what is going on? The team wants to learn Diagram and Harnessing but can't if licenses aren't there.
Robert W Hahn
Mentor - FTC4605 Beaver Dam Robohackerz